Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Christian Fiction and Religious Books at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Main

Inspired by a recent email question about teen Christian fiction titles, here are some resources the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Main-Teen provides.

We carry a few series here that are considered contempary classics in Teen Christian fiction.
Melody Carlson , series titles: "Diary of a Teenage Girl" and TrueColors
Stephanie Perry Moore, series title: "Payton Skyy"
Tim F. LaHaye , series title: "Left Behind: The Kids"

If you are looking for books about Christianity and other religions, we have books lists on our own Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teen website. Our religious fiction booklist, Believers and Doubters, has books that explore the many ways in which religion affects our lives. Are you more of a fact-focused religion researcher? A Non-fiction book list will bring you happiness.

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